1. Title of the Best Practice: Value Based Programme Through Evangelical Union Activity
2.Objectives of the Practice: An educational institution performs a significant function of providing learning experiences to lead their students from the darkness of ignorance to the knowledge of light. As the quality and extent of learners’ are determined primarily by sensitivity and motivation, the institution gives opportunity to Evangelical activity through different programs like Retreat which are held regularly and “Annual camping program”. The institution encourage, support and also act as humane facilitator by bringing in pool of talents of people from different walks of life to be Resource Person in such programs and annual activities.
In order to build future citizens of society having respect for all, it is necessary that they be educated through outlook that develop values for peace, respect the rights of all and respect and values work.
3. The Context: According to Roosevelt, “To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society”

There are many issues commonly experience by students in college that can sometimes pose major challenges. Entering College with lots of excitement but due to lack of familiarity with new environment and in   dealing with challenges, students can face tension, anxiety and depression.
The College therefore give its utmost support to such value-based educational activity
4.The Practice: Annual camping program are held usually during Puja Holiday as the College declares holiday for Puja where Resource person from different background are brought in to take up topics relevant for the College Students youth

·       Retreat Program are conducted where Alumni, College Teaching Faculty and Church and Society Leaders are brought in to share their stories
·       A separate room is given to the E.U College Students to serve the purpose of office cum library room.
5. Evidence of Success: 1.     Students actively involved in the Evangelical Union activity does not fall prey to peer pressure and other anti-social elements
·       Most students who are part of Evangelical Union have helpful attitude and even after graduating from College have attachment for the Institution and come forward for any activity which needs their presence and assistance.
·       Those involve in E.U activity tends to be disciplined and punctual in their academic activities. Their performance both internal as well as external proves to be better and those weak in studies, their improvement becomes visible
·       They tend to have more responsibility in their classroom activities 
·       They also tend to have a sense of responsibility and feeling of belonginess towards the College and actively participate in mass social work and cleaning activity conducted time to time by the Institution.
 ·       Students participating in such activity, after passing out becomes leaders in their local community and are agents of change both in their local community as well as the society
6.Problems Encountered and Resources Required: 1.     Room allotted to the Evangelical Union does not have sufficient space and is in need of expansion as they require space to keep their books collection
·       As there are no hostels facility in the campus, for camping purpose the students are accommodated in classrooms and so the intake capacity remains limited though many wish to participate


1. Title of the Best Practice: Promotion of Sustainable Environment
2.Objectives of the Practice: Environment plays a crucial role in the quality of human life. Sustainability and sustainable development reflects one of the leading aspirations of the 21st century. People’s value orientation has assumed an important place especially how traditional/indigenous people interprets sustainability. As the College is situated few kilometers away from the town and is blessed with greenery and has less pollution, the College has the potential to conserve and preserve exotic fauna and flora.
3. The Context:
·       Natural Tree grown in the campus is in the process of naming, geotagging and adopted by the Employees of the Institution.
·       Tree plantations are carried out annually.
Campus is kept litter free by restricting domesticated birds and animals to roam freely
4.The Practice: 1.     The College prohibits the use of weedicides and pesticides and carry out timely campus and jungle clearing by involving all the employees and students of the Institution.
·       The College has been endowed with trees along with the land purchased. Tress that had been growing naturally for years in the campus which are as old as the campus, the authority of the College strictly prohibits felling of trees in the campus.
·       Mass social works are conducted timely to keep the campus Green and Clean and the District Administration in recognition of the efforts of the Institution for initiating environment friendly activities in the campus has certified the Institution for the act of protecting and preserving the environment in the campus.
·       The Institution has its own eco-friendly plate.
·       An area demarcated under RUSA is utilized as Orchard which started  bearing  fruits like bananas and papayas 
·       Trees inside the College campus are named and the Eco Club is on the process of numbering it. The employees of the College have also adopted certain trees which are nearby the college vicinity.
·       Shooting of wildlife inside the Campus is strictly prohibited.
5.Evidence of Success:
·       Wildlife population in the campus has visibly increased.
·       Trees grown within the College vicinity provides good shade during Summer Season.
6.·       Strong barred gate of the Institution yet to come up.
·       College boundary fencing yet to be constructed and is in the offing and under consideration in the government level.

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