Report On Painting Competition Held On 25th Jan, 2022

     As part of the celebration of BETI BACHAO BETI PADHAO Week(BBBP), the Gender Champion Cell in collaboration with the District Administration, Mon organized a painting competition at the college premises on 25th January, 2022 under the theme ‘BETI BACHAO BETI PADHAO’. A total of 9 students from all the semesters participated in the competition. The criteria of judgement was based on theme, technique, presentation and originality. Ms. K. Nyemang Konyak of 2nd semester clinched the first position while the second prize was awarded to Mr. E. Hengpa Konyak of 6th semester. The winners were awarded with a cash prize of ₹3000 and ₹2000 respectively sponsored by the District Administration, Mon under BBBP scheme.

Recorded by,

Ralu Lohe.

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