To meet the various metrics in the NAAC assessment process, the IQAC of Wangkhao Government College, Mon sponsored the ICT & Website Committee One Day Faculty Workshop on New Pedagogical Tools.
The workshop was conducted on the 18th Sept. 2021 and attended by twenty (20) faculty members. Session I of the workshop focussed on the basic usage of smartboards, PA lecterns and Microsoft excel which was conducted by Manwang Konyak, Asst. Prof. Dept. of Economics. This was followed by a hands on session with Google classroom which was conducted by Yingpai Konyak. Session II began with Imkongmenla Longkumer giving participants a hands on session with Teachmint and its function and features and SurveyHeart. The second session culminated with Dr. Esther P Konyak focussing on Google docs, Google slides and Google forms.
Reported by:
Dr. Esther P Konyak
Convenor, ICT & Website Committee